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"Driftwood" is a collection of real driftwood that symbolizes the brutal effects of Alzheimer's Disease -- the painful wearing away of a person's being by a seemingly implacable outside force, as he or she drifts impotent. Despite the grevious subject matter, Paul's work seems to capture a white hope that thrives against the fragility. Some pieces of wood are gnarled and twisted from months and years of lapping water, while others look as if they only recently fell into the waves. Regardless of damage to individuals, the work seems to whisper, the collection forms a stalwart and delicate beacon.

In addition to the work's forceful simplicity and architecture, its most impressive effects are its practical accomplishments thus far. The above photos were taken at a gala for the Alzheimer's Association at the Providence Art Club, and as with many of Paul's exhibitions, the thousands of dollars generated went to fight the vicious river of Alzheimer's.